On a 5:30 run through the streets and trails of North Vancouver this morning I started taking stock of what is...not what will be. With Knee Knacker 11 days away there isn't much I can do to change the training that I have missed or will miss. As I said in my previous post, I've been on a 7-week taper. All I can do now is...
- Be grateful for the runs and rides I've had
- Eat well
- Rest well
- Keep running care-free and for enjoyment
- Keep loose and limber
- Start an early morning running routine
- Look forward to a fun, snow-filled run in the mountains with good people.
I must say, I am grateful that my injury has forced me back onto the bike. I'm loving the mountain bike.
The Plunge - Test of Metal 2011
I'll try to keep people posted on the days leading up to Knee Knacker. If nothing else it may be interesting for me to look over the days leading up to race day in the future - especially if it goes particularly badly or well.
Tom you just never know what might happen. Sometimes a 7 week taper happens for a reaaon. The power of positive thinking is a powerful thing. I bet you have a great race and maybe even a personal best time.