Monday, October 26, 2009

12 Seconds Shy

It almost happened. I bettered my own time by four and a half minutes, and was so happy about it, but still missed Doyle's Challenge by 12 seconds. Regardless, the race was amazing. Ate well, ran well, felt amazing. The rain stayed away and I ate bacon afterward. I'll tell the full story in a couple days but for now, thanks to Pete Watson (Race Director) and all the volunteers out there. It was so cool seeing all the costumes and being encouraged. Thank you for taking the time.

Also, Kev and Linda, it paid off you two. You both improved and even managed one sub-two hour finish. Next stop, Orcas 5oK on February 6th. Think about it.

P.S. The Speed Cross 2 really came through. Thanks, JP.

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